Storytelling Challenge

სამეწარმეო კულტურა

მოთხრობების ციხე

  • დონე A1
  • ენა
  • მოკლე


Explanatory video
A1 Perspectives Challenge – Tracking 20 Euros


Target group:
Children at Primary School Level (Level A1)

Core Idea:
The castle of stories and the castle grounds offer a variety of creative ideas on how to “build”, invent, write, retell and enchant stories. At the end the students will put on a story festival presenting their own poems, songs and theatre scenes!

Core Competences:
Narrative competence, creativity, imagination


Back to all challenges.

Challenge materials

Last modified: 2020
This version of the challenge is only available in English and German.

As part of the UKids project, this challenge has been translated and adapted into other languages. The materials can be downloaded from the UKIDS section at the bottom of the website.


This version of the challenge is only available in English and other languages. As part of the UKids project, this challenge has been translated and adapted into other languages. The materials can be downloaded from the UKIDS section at the bottom of the website.



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