Lemonade Stand Challenge

Osnovne veščine podjetnosti

Selling is Fun!

  • Raven A1
  • Jezik
  • Ekonomija
  • Matematika
  • Umetnost in ročna dela
  • srednje


Explanatory Video
A1 Lemonade Stand Challenge – Selling is Fun!


Target group:

Children at Primary School Level (Level A1)

Core Idea:
Selling things at a market day requires careful planning and a strong team. The children learn this step by step: Together they come up with ideas, create their product or service, determine the price and practise sales talks. After that they reflect in class on what they have learnt for the next market day.

Core Competences:
Sales expertise, assuming responsibility, teamwork, budget planning, mindful communication


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Učna gradiva

Izbrani izziv je trenutno na voljo samo v drugem jeziku. Če vas zanima različica v slovenščini, pišite na naslov office@ifte.at. Hvala!




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